Tuesday, January 18, 2011


By watching a documentary about deafness and the patients that receive electronic cochlear implants in to the ear, and that begin to listen for the first time, I become aware about how our brain works, and how incredible is its adaptation capacity.

NOTE: unfortunately I don't have the address to watch the documentary in the web, nevertheless here you have a link:


In that documentary they explain you that, at the beginning, the patients perceive only noise. Noise, with a continuous “buzz”, that is exhausting and annoying.

Afther around one month or little more, the brain has become trained, so it acquired the capacity of interpreting those sounds as words, as music or simply as noise. That capacity of interpreting those sounds is PERCEPTION.

Is amazing how the bunch of neurons that receive the new stimuli initially only receive a “buzz” but, after a period of time is capable to work as a coordinated unit in order to achieve that capacity of “perception”.

There is still so much to learn about our nervous system…if today we realise that with the stimulation of some part of our cortex we perceive things that before we couldn’t, it means that maybe there are so many things happening around us and that we are not capable to detect!.

The story tells that one disciple asked to his master about how was the way it looked the aura that sourrounds a person. The master explained to him that someday he would be capable of discover it by himself. He told his student that it was senseless to explain it. He simply told him: “ how do you teach a blind person to see the colors?”.

PD: site of the NIH about deafness (click here).

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