Saturday, June 4, 2011


As things go worse in Spain, movements like 15-M (March fifteen) go on with their complaints and nothing seems to change.

The political forces seem to not hear the shouts of millions of youg people asking for an opportunity to overcome from the crisis How? : by not responding to the orders coming from the I.M.F.

Whereas this happens, a very smart journalist and designer, Aleix Saló, makes us laugh with a book whose name is "Españistan".

My sister sent me an Email with the address of the videoclip, and I could'n stop laughing while I saw it.

I recommend definitely this video, Is simple and easy to understand.

Something should be changed. For sure.

1 comment:

marichy007 said...

esta bueno si, a mi me lo paso un amigo de por alla.
como andan?
un beso