Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Dedicated to all my best loved friends & families from Paraguay ,Spain, Sweden and Argentina
(to Heber, Dana,Facundo and Elías)

                            As a result of removal of the president-elect of Paraguay, Fernando Lugo, Latin America begins to be concerned about the pain that gives every hit that democracy receives.

A parliamentary coup gestated from a right-wing party founded by a dictator (General Stroessner), by manipulating the law,  using as an excuse the alleged majority in the senate, interrupts the mandate of an elected president without letting to him more options than step aside when is only one year still to finish his term in the government.

From the other side of the ocean, in Spain, the catastrophic level of corruption and mismanagement of the current party in the gorvernment ( which simply opens the way for banks spoilers coming in the name of "Central Europe" and lending agencies like the I.M.F.) sink in the poverty to millions of hopless citizens.

The feeling is that there are always the same those who suffer the consequences of these deficient and misleading policies: the weak, the dispossessed, immigrants, the  minorities most at risk.

And the way back, recovery of these social wounds is very long, and not all the countries( like organisms ) are capable of healing.

So I remember 2001, the year when Argentina went to bankruptcy and the worst economic crisis in its history began, and how this “crash” became the pattern in which the stockmarkets based the financial engineering that lead to the collapse that today affects  a whole continent:  Europe.

Then, one of my best friends, from Paraguay, Heber, writes a post on my wall in Facebook, concerning the situation in Paraguay and how he thinks about our friendship and all our shared ideas end experiences when we did our residency program in Buenos Aires.

And it’s true, in the last three weeks I didn’t stop thinking about all my loved friends from Paraguay, with who I have such a valuable friendship,  (Paraguay, that beautiful land), and at the same time I remembered one of my favourite songs, from a Brasilian composer, Cazuza: “El tiempo no para”. This song later became very popular -as popular as a hymn- in Argentina, thanks to a cover from “La Bersuit Vergarabat”, a very popular rock band.

LATIN AMERICA, we receive a hit, but we stand up again.
LATIN AMERICA, somebody tries to divide us, but we stand together as a brotherhood.
LATIN AMERICA, now everybody looks at you and see how you become greater and greater.
LATIN AMERICA, today a song describes you, feeds your strength and inspire other lands...


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