Friday, September 3, 2010


To be aware of which is the path our food does before ending up on our mouths, something that should be so obvious, today is not so evident.

Actually, there are corporations that try to avoid you to reach that information.

Considering that everything we eat is important for our health....

What if we begin to make ourselves that question?

What if we would know the origin of the delicious hamburgers we eat in any fast-food restaurant?.

Here is a clue:

Authors like the one of the famous book " The omnivore's Dilemma" are interviewed during this movie, which is exactly in the same line as the "We Feed The World", released in 2009.

Be foolish. Be hungry.

Que tal si conocieramos cual es el camino que hace la c
omida que comemos hasta que llega a nuestra boca?

Hoy en dia varias de las empresas que controlan el sistema mundial de alimentacion hacen todo lo posible para que no nos enteremos de cual es ese recorrido, de donde proviene lo que comemos.

Que tal si supieramos de donde viene la carne de la que esta hecha la hamburguesa que devoramos en el restaurant de comida rapida al que acostumbramos ir?...

Aqui hay una clave:

En esta pelicula hay entrevistas interesantes como la del autor de " El dilema de los omnivoros".
Una excelente pelicula, en la misma linea que "Nosotros alimentamos el mundo", de 2009.